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Tell-Tale Signs That Your Child Is Ready for Preschool

When is the best time to enroll your child in a preschool in Virginia? Have you also been entertaining this thought lately? After all, your child is already a toddler. Most preschools open learning opportunities for children at three years old. Is ag...

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How to Regulate Screen Time at Home

Have you tried handing your children a smartphone to keep them occupied while you finish some chores at home? If you have, we can understand why. In our age of technological advances, it’s very easy to access the internet through our phones and gad...

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Curiosity and Passion: An Inseparable Link

Go ahead and ask children what they want to be when they grow up and they’ll probably give you a list of what they would want to be. They want to be this and that but get this, they say it with enthusiasm and passion in their eyes. This is probably...

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Debunking 4 Learning Myths About Bilingual Children

Does a bilingual program truly promote more learning benefits for your child? This is a matter of concern for parents, especially when their children’s future and well-being are at stake. You may have heard different kinds of opinions on how biling...

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Guiding Your Child on the Path to Success

Preschool is where your child can begin to learn and explore more about the world around them with proper guidance and encouragement. The quality of the overall educational and social experience your little one gains in preschool can greatly impact t...

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Quality Education in Georgetown, Virginia

Learning another language besides your mother tongue does more than just enable you to speak another completely different language: it also promotes healthy mental development and allows many cognitive and social benefits that will last a lifetime. W...

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